Common Name: Blood Pheasant
Scientific Name: Ithaginis cruentus
Family: Phasianidae
Nepali Name: Chilime ( चिलिमे )
Size: 38 cm
Location: Khumbu, Nepal
Blood Pheasants are found in elevations ranging from 3200 m to 4400 m. It has a small crested head having variously colored feathers and a short convex black bill. The orbital skin is red as well as the legs and feet.
The male has an ashy grey upper part with silver grey streaks all over the body with green color scattered around. The lower part has green feathers. The tail is crimson red with the ends becoming whitish.
The females are warm brown in color with a similar small crested head having variously colored feathers and a short convex black bill. The orbital skin is red as well as the legs and feet.
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