It’s been a good start to 2017. Being able to travel to different places and at the same time teach rural first responder courses to villagers in Dhading district is defiantly exciting. Excitement doubled as I finally could save up and get a new lens that I’ve been putting into place these days.
Though the schedules were all filled up with teaching the whole day, I did find some time to get pictures of various flora and fauna. “What I Saw – January 2017” is almost filled with shots of birds with a couple of moths, garden lizards, and stick insects being an exception. I was able to see a lot of birds like the Fulvous-crowned Woodpecker, Siberian Rubythroat, Oriental Magpie Robin, Common Myna, Black-lored Tit, Crested Bunting, Red-vented Bulbul, Dusky Thrush, Black-headed Shrike which I was able to take proper pictures but missed good shots of Scarlet Minivet, Himalayan Bulbul, Blue-throated Barbet, Eurasian Griffon and other birds which I will defiantly make sure to get the next time I get a chance to see them.
Thank you all my viewers for following this blog in 2016 and making me motivated to push more content. 2017 will defiantly be a crazy year for me with traveling so stay tuned for more content. Thank you.
Ajay Narsingh Rana
All the pictures are Superb!!! Hats off to the photographer. 🙂