Common Name: Alpine Accentor
Scientific Name: Prunella collaris
Family: Prunellidae
Nepali Name: Himali Lekchari ( हिमाली लेकचरी )
Size: 15.5-17 cm
Location: Dzongla, Khumbu, Nepal

The Alpine Accentor is found in Nepal’s high-altitude regions with elevations ranging from 2440 to 5500 m depending on the season. It is a small bird with a streaked brown back, gray head, and rusty-brown spotting on its underparts.

Both sexes look similar, although males can appear slightly more vibrant. It features a fine, pointed bill suited for its insectivorous diet and distinctive dark wing panels bordered by pale spots, forming two visible wingbars, especially noticeable in flight. Its chestnut-flanked sides, white streaks, and subtle barred throat complete its unique markings.

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